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Monarch Little League

MLL Players, Parents/Spectators, & Managers/Coaches Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the principles of sportsmanship, fair play, skill development, and mutual respect among players, coaches, officials, and spectators are the primary considerations governing competition in Monarch Little League, the following Code of Conduct has been established and adopted by the Board of Directors.

Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct

Each PARENT/SPECTATOR will ensure that his/her conduct while in attendance at games shall reflect courtesy, sportsmanship, good citizenship, and a positive example for the players at all times.  (MLL Parent Code of Conduct Form)

PARENTS/SPECTATORS are expected to:

1. Respect the rules of the game.
2. Respect the game officials and refrain from questioning their decision or addressing them in a loud, disrespectful, or abusive manner.
3. Cheer for their team in a positive, supportive manner, all the while refraining at all times from making hostile, negative, and abusive remarks about the opposing team.
4. Follow all field rules and regulations, while also respecting at all times the property of others.
5. Demonstrate appropriate gestures of sportsmanship at the conclusion of the game, win or lose. Realize, accept, and practice the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on the sportsmanship, courtesy, and manner of its fans.

Player Code of Conduct

Each PLAYER will ensure that his/her playing conduct is that of a young lady or young gentleman who is fairly competing to the limits of his or her ability. (MLL Player Code of Conduct Form)

Each PLAYER is expected to:

1. Know the rules and abide by them.
2. Respect the game officials and refrain from addressing them or commenting on their decisions during the play of the game.
3. Maintain control of his or her emotions, avoiding the use of abusive language or profanity, humiliating remarks, and/or gestures of ill temper and physical assault upon another player at any time.
4. Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team and demonstrate appropriate gestures of sportsmanship at the end of the game, including being humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat.
5. Follow all rules and regulations, while also respecting at all times the property of others.
6. Realize, accept, and practice the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on the sportsmanship, courtesy, and manner of each individual player.

Managers/Coaches Code of Conduct

Each MANAGER/COACH will ensure that his/her conduct shall reflect good sportsmanship, fairness, a positive example for players, and spectators at all times. (MLL Volunteer Code of Conduct Form)

MANAGERS/COACHES are expected to:

1. Respect, know, and abide by the rules of the game.
2. Respect game officials and their decisions while conducting him or her self with decorum at all times.
3. Strive to make the game of baseball fun for players through active participation and development of a sound understanding of the fundamentals of the sport. Also, placing emotional and physical well being of players ahead of any personal desire to win, recalling the broad diversity of emotional and physical development within the same age group.
4. Communicate with teams in a positive, supportive manner, not using negative, abusive, or humiliating remarks.
5. Realize, accept, and practice the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on the sportsmanship, conduct, courtesy, and manner, of its manager/coach.
6. Realize that the manager/coach is helping to shape the physical, mental, and emotional development of young people. The manager/coach must have the patience and the capacity to work with children. He/she should inspire respect.


Monarch Little League

PO Box 270150 
Louisville, Colorado 80027

Email: [email protected]

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