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Monarch Little League

Summer Baseball

Summer registration is closed. Check back in August for fall baseball!!

We are now accepting registrations for the summer of 2023 season! This is in conjunction with North Boulder and South Boulder Little League, who are hosting the games.

Summer League is a great time to move up to the next division or get a little extra practice to be ready for next season.  

Availability and Vacations

MLL knows players and coaches will miss some games or practices for summer vacations. However, we ask that you plan to miss only ~2 weeks of scheduled games to register.

Summer League is more relaxed than our Spring season. As per North and South Boulder Little Leagues games will be only on weekday evenings. Coaches may hold optional practices on weekends. We also build our teams a bit larger to accommodate when kids are out of town.  

If you have any questions, please direct them to [email protected] and we will reply to your email as soon as we are able.


Summer league capacity is limited by the number of coaches that sign up., If we do not have coaches we will not field teams. We know people travel during the summer and we will try to assign more than one coach to each team.

Based on our Hosts in Boulder:
Monday, June 13 - Practices start. Scheduled on 2x per team on weekdays, plus additional weekend open at coach discretion.
Monday, June 27 - Games begin.
July 1-5 - No games scheduled. Fields will be available for practice at the coaches' discretion.
Thursday, August 11 - End of season.
The exact days of the week cannot be set until we have a better sense of registration numbers and field availability. All players should expect to be on the field two nights a week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.

9-under (“AA”, 7, 8 & 9-year-olds) - This division is for most 8 and 9-year-olds. 7-year-olds who played spring Single A could play this division as well. Exceptions might be made for 10-year-olds who have never played baseball, though those kids may have more fun playing with their same-aged peers in other divisions.
8 and 9-year-olds who were successful in the spring AA season and plan to move to AAA in 2023 could consider moving up to the 10u division for the summer season.
This division is closer to “real” baseball, with modified rules. This is the first level of kid pitch. When a pitcher throws 4 balls, the batter hits off of a tee instead of a walk. There is no stealing or advancing on passed balls. Innings end with 3 outs or 5 runs. Scores and standings are not recorded.
Practices will begin on June 13. From June 27 through the end of the season, there will be two games (1hr 45minutes) every week, on weekdays only. The day of the week is pending registration numbers and field availability.
10-under (“AAA”, 8, 9 & 10-year-olds) - This division is for most 9 and 10-year-olds. 8-year-olds who had a successful spring AA season and are planning to move up could play this level as well. 10-year-olds who were successful in the spring AAA season and plan to move to majors in 2023 should consider moving up to the 12u division for the summer season.
This division has fewer modified rules than 9u/AA. Players walk after ball four, and runners may advance up to third base on a passed ball or overthrow back to the pitcher. There is a five-run rule, and the score is kept.
Practices will begin on June 13. From June 27 through the end of the season, there will be two games (~2hrs) every week, on weekdays only. The day of the week is pending registration numbers and field availability.
12-under (“Majors”, 10, 11 & 12-year-olds) - This division is for all 11 and 12-year-olds. 10-year-olds who played majors during the spring season or 10-year-olds who were successful in spring AAA should play this level as well. We expect this division to be less competitive than the spring Majors season. This division will play by Little League majors rules.
Practices will begin on June 13. From June 27 through the end of the season, there will be two games (~2hrs) every week, on weekdays only. The day of the week is pending registration numbers and field availability.

**All-Star Players

**A note for 10U, 11U, and 12U players playing All-Stars: Players cannot play both All-Stars and summer ball since the practices and games conflict.

Registration Listing

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