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Monarch Little League


Monarch Little League 2023 Schedule

***All Dates and times are subject to change.  Check back periodically to verify dates.***

Spring & Summer Season 2023

December 2022

12.2-12.3 - Dugout Club Coaches Clinic 
12.30 - Spring Registration Opens

1.15 - Winter Clinic 12-2pm @ Dingers (Free)
1.22 - Winter Clinic 2 1-3pm @ Dingers ($)
1.29 - Winter Clinic 3 9 -11am @ Dingers ($)
1.31 - Early Bird Discount Ends


2.5 - Winter Clinics 1-3pm @ Dingers ($)
2.12 - Winter Clinics 1-3pm @ Dingers ($)
2.19 - Winter Clinics 1-3pm @ Dingers (Free)
2.20 - Presidents' Day
2.25 - Kid Pitch Divisions Registrations Close
2.25  -  Evals Kid Pitch Divisions @ Sports Stable
from 6-10pm.
2.26 - Make-up Evals. 8-9am @ Sports Stable
2.28 - Draft for KP Divisions @ Romero's K9 Club

3.3 - Spring MP and T-Ball Registration Closes
3.4 - Teams Announced**
3.11 - Early Season Practice Schedule Announced
3.12 - Equipment handout to Coaches
3.13 - City/Town field access becomes available
3.13 - Mandatory Coaches Meeting
3.14 - Official start of Team Practices
3.17 - DICK'S Sporting Goods MLL Days

3.19 - Umpires Training @ Erie Rec Center - 12 to 3:30pm
3.27 - 3.31 - BVSD Spring Break


4.1 - Umpire training @ Roemersberger Field - 9am
4.4 - Umpire training @ D-bats (TBD on time)
4.7 - District Interlock Coaches Meeting (6:30pm)
4.8 - MLL Opening Day
4.15 - Picture Day #1***


5.6 - Picture Day 2***
5.14 - MLL Rockies Day vs Philadelphia Phillies
5.18  -   All Star Tryouts 6-8pm at Louisville Sports Complex
5.24 -  BoD / Coaches All-Star Meeting
5.25 - Last Day of School for BVSD Students
5.29 - Memorial Day
5.30 - AAA Kid Pitch Tournaments Begin

6.5-6.7 - Monarch High School Camp for Ages 8-13
- MLL Seasons End (T-Ball - AAA)
6.12 - All-Star Practices Begin
6.17 - Season Ends (Int 50/70, & Juniors)


7.4 - MLL All-Stars @ Superior 4th of July Parade
7.5 - 7.12 - District 2 Tournaments
7.15 - 7.22 - State Tournaments


8.3 - 8.10 - Southwest Regional Tournament
8.16 - 8.27 - Little League World Series

** Individual team practice and game schedules will be published
only after teams are formed, city information is conveyed, and
district schedule has been decided. This also means schedules
may change as more information is given to the league. MLL
focuses on getting information out to the community as quickly
as possible, but there are a lot of moving parts. 

*** Time and place are subject to change and still needs to be
scheduled with the provider(s). 

Fall Season 2023

7.15 - Fall Registration Opens


8.16 - 8.17 - First Day of School BVSD
8.21 - Little League World Series
8.31 - Fall Registration Closes


9.4 - Labor Day
9.6 - Teams Announced
9.10 - Fall Season Begins with Practices**
9.24 - Fall Games Begin**

10.3-10.23 - Sunday Games Continue
10.29 - Fall Season Ends
10.31 - Halloween


11.12 - MLL Annual Meeting


12.1 - 12.31 - League Takes a Break

** Individual team practice and game schedules will be published only after teams are formed, city information is conveyed, and district schedule has been decided. This also means schedules may change as more information is given to the league. MLL focuses on getting information out to the community as quickly as possible, but there are a lot of moving parts. 


Monarch Little League

PO Box 270150 
Louisville, Colorado 80027

Email: [email protected]

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